Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Knitted bobble? Easy!

Knit 5 sts in the same st as follows: knit 1, yarn over needle, knit 1, yarn over needle, knit 1, turn the piece, knit 4 rows of stocking sts over these 5 sts. Now lift 2nd st on right needle over 1st st, 3rd st over 1st st, 4th st over 1st st and 5th st over 1st st = 1 st left.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Purple woollen hand knitted bag and purple sweater

blog DD: purple silence: Purple woollen hand knitted bag with wood like handles and beautiful knitted flowers.

purple silence

Purple woollen hand knitted bag with wood like handles and beautiful knitted flowers.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

How to sew knitted edges seam?

Sew Mattress Stitch like a pro!

Thread a tapestry needle with yarn that matches the knitted fabric. Hold the two pieces to be sewn parallel to each other with the right sides of the fabric facing you and cast-on edge at the bottom. Loosely pin the pieces together to hold the edges in place.
Insert the tapestry needle from back to front between the first two stitches, just above the cast-on stitch; pull the yarn through, leaving a 3-inch tail.
Step 1: Insert the needle from front to back between the first stitch and second stitches of the second side and pull the yarn through.
Step 2: Return to the first side and insert the needle from the right side to wrong side where the yarn previously came out of the piece. Slip the needle upward under the next horizontal bar and bring the needle through to the right side.
Step 3: Cross to the other side and repeat the same process, going down where you came out, under one bar and up. (from  Thank you Kara !)